Dec 2, 2010

what to play...

alhamdulillah.. little af sudah 3 bulan.

So much has happened in so little time! 
Your baby has gotten a whole lot bigger 
and his brain power is increasing every day, too! 

dapat info mesej perkembangan bayi dari babycenter.

Your baby may be strong enough now to do a mini push-up when he's lying on his tummy. Over the next few weeks you will notice that as his muscles strengthen, he will be able to lift his head and shoulders clear of the floor and look around as he does so. You can encourage him by letting him spend short periods every day on his stomach on a play mat on the floor. Gradually he will learn to transfer his weight from his forearms to his hands to lift himself even higher. Remember though, this head-up position is tiring and he won't be able to hold it for long at first, no matter how much he wants to see what's going on around him.
erm padanlah dia gigih nak meniarap. tapi belum kuat lagi. 
takpa2, minum susu n mudah2an selalu diberi kesihatan y baik, 
so boleh la baby play & learn kn.. 
teruja nak dedahkan dgn educational learning toys 
untuk dia eksplorasi.perkara-perkara mudah 
seperti warna, bentuk dan bunyi sesuai usianya.
untuk permulaan main2 dengan y ini dulu tau. 
nanti jawab test dgn nurse elok2. baby dah study kan..
hehe pastu leh la ibu up lagi toys tu..
owhh penuhla shopping list dgn barang2 anak. suka2!

ehem..suruh anak study nampak.
ibu dah study lom arini?
ok2 kita sambung study sesama ya..
p/s: i love u both ;)


  1. salam . feel free to visit my blog.

  2. salam..nanti2 singgah sana lak ya :)

  3. untuk anak..
    kan segalanya utnuk mu

    ply gym tu mmg berbaloi
    dr kecik sampai besar bleh main
    skrg ni jdik tmpt eisya belajar berdiri
    dia paut kat situ

  4. oh ya ke.. bagus gak mainan y boleh diguna utk long term ni. jgnkn anak, maknya pun teringin nak main2 sama..kih2
