Jul 29, 2009

manisnya rasa...

kelam dan mendung memula hari.terasa ada rintik menyentuh muka. sejuk dan sayu kala terpandang langit yang kelabu. rasa hati mulai menyapa.
andai semalam langit cerah bercahaya, panas sinarnya, mungkin kita berharap hujan menyegarkan rasa.. andainya hari ini hujan melanda, hati mungkin rindu pada terik suria..
saat sang hati berbicara seperti itu, mungkin jiwa perlu berkata, alhamdulillah..
hargailah apa yang kita ada....

I asked Allah why I wasn't rich.
And he showed me a man with the wealth of a thousand kings,
who was lonely,
and had no one to share it with.
I asked Allah why I wasn't handsome.
And he showed me a men more handsome than any other,
who was ugly because of his vanity.

I asked Allah why he'd allowed me to become old.
And he showed me a boy of 16,
who lay dead at a scene of a car accident.

I asked Allah why I didn't have a bigger house.
And he showed me a family of six,
who'd just got evicted from their tiny shack,
and were forced to live on the street.

I asked Allah why I had to work.
And he showed me a man who couldn't find a decent job,
because he had never learned to read.

I asked Allah why I wasn't popular.
And he showed me a socialite with a thousand friends,
who all left the minute the money and fun were no longer there.

I asked Allah why I wasn't smarter.
And he showed me a natural born genius,
who was serving life in prison for making ill use of his knowledge.

I asked Allah why He put up with a thankless sinner like me.
And he showed me His Quraan, and the sacrifices of his beloved Prophet,
And i knew then how much He loved me.

Allah Loves You
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.....
Dream what you want to dream;
go where you want to go;
be what you want to be,
because you have only one life
and one chance to do all the things you want to do..

Love is all that matters


  1. manisnya...
    "Disebalik awan yang tebal, Tuhan sembunyikan matahari dan siapa tahu, disebalik awan itulah, Tuhan hadiahkan pelangi"

  2. takkan siapa yang tahu kan...;)
